

















  • Bimbot, F., Pieraccini, R., Levin, E. and Atal, B., Modeles de sequences a horizon variable: Multigrams, XXth Journees d'Etude sur la Parole, 1994.


  • Pieraccini, R., Levin, E. and Vidal, E., Learning how to understand language, Proc. EUROSPEECH '93, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 1993, pp. 1407-1414.

  • Vidal, E., Pieraccini, R. and Levin, E., Learning associations between grammars: A new approach to natural language understanding, Proc. EUROSPEECH '93, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 1993, pp. 1187-1190.

  • Lee, C-H., Gauvain, J-L., Pieraccini, R. and Rabiner, L. R., Subword-based large vocabulary speech recognition, AT&T Tech. Journal, vol. 72, no. 5, September/October 1993, pp. 25-36.

  • Agazzi, O. E., Kuo, S., Levin, E. and Pieraccini, R., Connected and degraded text recognition using planar hidden Markov models, ICASSP ‘93, Minneapolis, April 1993.

  • Lee, C-H., Gauvain, J-L., Pieraccini, R. and Rabiner, L. R., Large vocabulary speech recognition using subword units, Speech Communication, vol. 13, 1993, pp. 263-279.

  • Levin, E., Pieraccini, R. and Bocchieri, E., Time-warping network: A hybrid framework for speech recognition, Int. J. Pattern Recognition& Artificial Intelligence, 1993.

  • Levin, E., Pieraccini, R., Bocchieri, E. and Wang, P. S. P., Time-warping network: A neural approach to hidden Markov model based speech recognition, in Advances in Pattern Recognition Systems Using Neural Network Technololgies, Guyon, I. (Ed.), World Scientific, 1993.

  • Pieraccini, R. and Levin, E., A learning approach to natural language understanding, in NATO-ASI, New Advances & Trends in Speech Recognition and Coding, Springer-Verlag, Bubion (Granada), Spain, 1993.


  • Lee, C-H., Gauvain, J-L., Pieraccini, R. and Rabiner, L. R., Large vocabulary speech recognition using subword units, Proc. ICSST-92, Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 1992, pp. 342-353.

  • Pieraccini, R., Gorelov, Z., Levin, E. and Tzoukermann, E., Automatic learning in spoken language understanding, Proc. 1992 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 1992, pp. 405-408.

  • Giachin, E., Lee, C-H., Rabiner, L. R., Rosenberg, A. E. and Pieraccini, R., On the use of inter-word context dependent units for word juncture modeling, Computer, Speech & Language, vol. 6, no. 3, July 1992, pp. 197-213.

  • Lee, C-H., Giachin, E., Rabiner, L. R., Pieraccini, R. and Rosenberg, A. E., Improved acoustic modeling for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition, Computer, Speech & Language, vol. 6, no. 2, April 1992, pp. 103-127.

  • Pieraccini, R., Tzoukermann, E., Gorelov, Z., Gauvain, J-L., Levin, E., Wilpon, J. and Lee, C-H., A speech understanding system based on statistical representation of semantics, Proc. ICASSP '92, San Francisco, March 1992, pp. 193-196.

  • Levin, E. and Pieraccini, R., Dynamic planar warping for optical character recognition, Proc. ICASSP '92, vol. 3, San Francisco, CA, March, 1992, pp. 149-152.

  • Pieraccini, R., Tzoukermann, E., Gorelov, Z., Levin, E., Lee, C-H. and Gauvain, J-L., Progress report on the Chronus system: ATIS benchmark results, Proc. 5th DARPA Workshop on Speech and Nat. Lang., Arden House, NY, Feb. 1992.

  • Lee, C-H., Rabiner, L. R. and Pieraccini, R., Speaker independent continuous speech recognition using continuous density hidden Markov models, in Speech Recognition and Understanding Recent Advances, Trends and Applications, Laface, P. and DeMori, R. (Ed.), Springer Verlag NATO ASI Series, 1992, pp. 135-163.

  • Pieraccini, R. and Levin, E., Stochastic representation of semantic structure for speech understanding, Speech Communication, vol. 11, 1992, pp. 238-288.

  • Tzoukermann, E., Pieraccini, R. and Gorelov, Z., Natural language processing in the CHRONUS system, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Processing, Banff, Canada, 1992.



  • Lee, C-H., Giachin, E., Rabiner, L. R., Pieraccini, R. and Rosenberg, A. E., Improved acoustic modeling for continuous speech recognition , Proc. Third Joint DARPA Speech & Nat. Lang. Workshop, Somerset, PA, June 1990, pp. 319-326.

  • Pieraccini, R., Lee, C-H., Giachin, E. and Rabiner, L. R., Implementation aspects of large vocabulary recognition based on intraword and interword phonetic units, Proc. Third Joint DARPA Speech & Nat. Lang. Workshop, Somerset, PA, June 1990, pp. 311-318.

  • Lee, C-H., Rabiner, L. R., Pieraccini, R. and Wilpon, J. G., Acoustic modeling for large vocabulary speech recognition, Computer, Speech & Language, vol. 4, no. 2, April 1990, pp. 127-165.

  • Lee, C-H., Rabiner, L. R., Pieraccini, R. and Wilpon, J. G., Acoustic modeling of subword units for speech recognition, Proc. ICASSP '90, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1990, pp. 721-724.

  • Fissore, L., Kaltenmeier, A., Laface, P., Micca, G. and Pieraccini, R., The recognition algorithms, in Advanced Algorithms and Architectures for Speech Understanding, Pirani, G. (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1990, pp. 7-78.

  • Lee, C-H., Rabiner, L. R. and Pieraccini, R., Speaker-independent continuous speech recognition using continuous density hidden Markov models, in Speech Recognition & Understanding: Recent Advances, Trends and Applications, Laface, P. and DeMori, R. (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp. 135-163.

  • Pieraccini, R., Lee, C-H., Giachin, E. P. and Rabiner, L. R., An efficient structure for continuous speech recognition, in Speech Recognition and Understanding: Recent Advances, Trends & Applications, Laface, P. and DeMori, R. (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp. 211-216.


  • Lee, C-H., Rabiner, L. R., Pieraccini, R. and Wilpon, J. G., Acoustic modeling of subword units for large vocabulary speaker independent speech recognition, Proc. DARPA Speech & Nat. Lang. Workshop, Cape Cod, Oct 1989, pp. 280-291.

  • Fissore, L., Laface, P., Micca, G. and Pieraccini, R., Lexical access to large vocabularies for speech recognition, IEEE Trans. Acoustic, Speech & Sig. Proc., vol. ASSP-37, Aug. 1989.

  • Fissore, L., Laface, P., Micca, G. and Pieraccini, R., A word hypothesizer for a large vocabulary continuous speech understanding system, Proc. ICASSP 89, Glasgow, UK, May 1989.

  • Pieraccini, R. and Rosenberg, A. E., Automatic generation of phonetic units for continuous speech recognition, IEEE Int. Conf. Acous., Speech, and Sig. Processing, Glasgow, Scotland, May 1989, pp. 623-626.

  • Lee, C-H., Pieraccini, R., Rabiner, L. R. and Wilpon, J. G., Some preliminary results on speaker independent recognition of the DARPA resource management task, Proc. DARPA Speech & Nat. Lang. Workshop, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 1989.


  • Fissore, L., Giachin, E., Laface, P., Micca, G., Pieraccini, R. and Rullent, C., Experimental results on a large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition and understanding, Proc. ICASSP '88, New York, NY, April 1988.

  • Fissore, L., Laface, P., Micca, G. and Pieraccini, R., Interaction between fast lexical access and word verification in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition, Proc. ISASSP '88, New York, NY, April 1988.

  • Fissore, L., Laface, P., Micca, G. and Pieraccini, R., Very large vocabulary isolated utterance recognition: A comparison between one pass and two pass strategies, Proc. ICASSP '88, New York, NY, April 1988.

  • Fissore, L., Laface, P., Micca, G. and Pieraccini, R., Strategies for lexical access to very large vocabularies, Speech Communication, no. 7, 1988, pp. 335-366.

  • Laface, P., Micca, G. and Pieraccini, R., Recognition of words in very large vocabulary, in Recent Advances in Speech Understanding and Dialog Systems, NATO-ASI Series (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1988.


  • Micca, G., Pieraccini, R. and Laface, P., Three dimensional DP for phonetic lattice matching, Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Proc., Florence, Italy, Sept. 1987.

  • Jarre, A. and Pieraccini, R., Some experiments on HMM speaker adaptation, Proc. ICASSP '87, Dallas, TX, April 1987.

  • Laface, P., Micca, G. and Pieraccini, R., Experimental results on a large lexicon access task, Proc. ICASSP '87, Dallas, TX, April 1987.

  • Micca, G., Pieraccini, R. and Laface, P., Lessico per computer, Media 2000, vol. 5, no. 2, 2 Feb. 1987.


  • Cravero, M., Pieraccini, R., Raineri, F., Giordana, A., Laface, P. and Kaltenmeier, A., Isolated utterance hypothesization and verification in a very large vocabulary, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on pattern recognition, Paris, France, Oct 1986..

  • Micca, G., Pieraccini, R., Laface, P., Saitta, L. and Kaltenmeier, A., Esprit 26, subtask 2.1, word hypothesization & verification in a large vocabulary, Proc. 3rd Esprit Technical Week, Brussels, Oct.-Sept. 1986.

  • Cravero, M., Pieraccini, R. and Raineri, F., Definition of recognition units through two levels of phonemic description, Proc. Montreal Symp. Speech Recog., Montreal, Canada, July 1986.

  • Ciaramella, A., Cravero, M., Fissore, L., Pieraccini, R., Pirani, G., Raineri, F. and Venuti, G., Markov models in speech recognition and understanding, Proc. Int. Workshop Recentt Advances & Applications Speech Recog., Rome, Italy, May 1986.

  • Demichelis, P., Laface, P., Piccolo, E. and Pieraccini, R., Recognition of words in a large vocabulary, Proc. Int. Workshop on Recent Advances & Applications Speech Recog., Rome, Italy, May 1986.

  • Cravero, M., Pieraccini, R. and Raineri, F., Definition & evaluation of phonetic units for speech recognition by hidden Markov models, Proc. ICASSP '86, Tokyo, Japan, April 1986.

  • Pieraccini, R., Lexical stress and speech recognition, J. Acous. Soc. Am., vol. 80, no. Suppl. 1, Fall 1986.


  • Giordana, A., Laface, P., Kaltenmeier, A., Mangold, H., Pieraccini, R. and Raineri, F., Esprit 26, Subtask 2.1, Algorithms for speech data reduction & recognition, Proc. of 2nd Esprit Technical Week, Brussels, Sept. 1985.

  • Pieraccini, R., Macchine che comprendono la voce, Le Scienze Italian issue of Scientific American, May 1985, in Italian.

  • Cravero, M., Fissore, L., Pieraccini, R. and Raineri, F., II Riconoscimento della voce, Electtronica e Telecomunicazioni, May-June 1985, in Italian.


  • Oreglia, M., Pieraccini, R. and Raineri, F., A probabilistic model for the evaluation of speech recognizers, Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Signal Proc., Florence, Italy, Sept. 1984.

  • Pieraccini, R., Comprensione automatica del linguaggio parlato, Bollettino Scuola Superiore Guglielmo Reiss Romolo, no. 24, Sept. 1984, in Italian.

  • Pieraccini, R., Pattern compression in isolated word recognition, Signal Processing, vol. 7, no. 1, Sept. 1984.

  • Gemello, R., Pieraccini, R., Raineri, F. and Rullent, C., Diphone spotting with Markov chains, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Pattern Recog., Montreal, Canada, July-Aug. 1984.

  • Cravero, M., Fissore, L., Pieraccini, R. and Scagliola, C., Syntax driven recognition of connected words by Markov models, Proc. ICASSP '84, San Diego, CA, March 1984.


  • Pieraccini, R. and Raineri, F., A Probabilistic model of an isolated word recognition system based on template matching strategy, Proc. Second European Sig. Proc. Conf. (EUSIPCO), Erlangen, West Germany, Sept. 1983.

  • Pieraccini, R. and Billi, R., Experimental comparison among data compression techniques in isolated word recognition, Proc. ICASSP '83, Boston, MA, April 1983.

  • Pieraccini, R. and Raineri, F., Gestione di una agenda telefonica per mezzo della voce, Convegno Ausili per Handicap di Comunicazione, Florence, Italy, March 1983, in Italian.


  • Billi, R., Oreglia, M., Pieraccini, R., Scagliola, C. and Vicenzi, C., Performance analysis of a speaker-trained isolated word recognition system, 1982 International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications, Zurich, March 1982.

  • Billi, R., Oreglia, M. and Pieraccini, R., Riconoscimento e sintesi della voce: un sistema interatttivo per il dialogo uomo-macchina, 29 Rassegna Internazionale Elettronica Nucleare ed Aerospaziale, Roma, March 1982.


  • Marola, G., Picchi, G., Piccini, P. and Pieraccini, R., Microprocessor-based adaptive DFD equaliser using fixed point WFT algorithms, Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital Sig. Proc., Florence, Italy, Sept. 1981.


  • Pieraccini, R. and Piccini, P., Studio di realizzazione per mezzo di un microprocessore di un equalizzatore adittivo nel dominio delle frequenze discrete per transmissione sincrona dati, Dr. Ing. Thesis, Inst. di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Universita' degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa, Italy, Dec. 1980.